GAMES NIGHT! (installation 2012, Glue Factory Glasgow)
some work from GAMES NIGHT!
installation view of GAMES NIGHT!
some work from GAMES NIGHT!
Mock-up (installation 2012, Sierra Metro Edinburgh) This is an installation view of my first solo show, the audience entered via the stage from behind the screens as a performer sang and played guitar repeating the same short set over the course of the night.
One of your five-a-day (collage, 2012) These collages formed part of Mock-up at Sierra Metro
Take part in a show (collage, 2012)
Grand national (collage 2012)
View of the performance for Mock-up
Installation view Mock-up
Installation view of Come on down... (2011 Belfast) as part of group show Procedure
A more relaxed way to travel
Of all the empires, this is my favourite
Birdman of Alcatraz
4 years to go... installation view, from the Mutual's final show, R.I.P. (2010 Glasgow)
Grey area, green zone (installation 2010)
Grey area (installation, 2009)
Call to arms/calls to arm (collage 2009)
Toucan for president (collage 2009)
What do you hope to gain by such posturing? (collage 2009)